Jeanette Jager

Jeanette Jager is active on a daily basis as an external confidant, both in the area of ​​undesirable behaviour and integrity, often in a combination role. She is a member of the National Association of Confidential Advisors (LVvV) and assists organisations in actively promoting the PSA and integrity policy, both preventively and curatively. This includes organisations within the (semi) government, healthcare sector, education, childcare and industry.

In her role as confidant, Jeanette (when possible) always intends to look for ways where all involved can continue, which often leads to de-escalation. She often knows how to prevent losing employees. Jeanette’s challenge in her work as an external counsellor is: assisting employees who have ‘fallen’ due to undesirable behaviours in such a way that they themselves can continue on their own.

Jeanette is also one of the trainers of De Vertrouwenspersoon. She is appreciated by participants for her calm way of explaining, but also for her humorous ‘role-play’.

Jeanette is also active as an MfN registered mediator (work-related conflicts) and experienced in conflict analysis and interventions. She also provides training and workshops in the field of behaviour and conversational skills. She is also involved in conducting culture and/or signal studies.

Jeanette is co-director of De Vertrouwenspersoon

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