Adélka Vendl

As a trainer, Adélka Vendl is associated with De Vertrouwenspersoon, The Confidant. She is also our expert in the psychological aspects of undesirable behaviour.

Adélka is a work and organisational psychologist. She has a didactic record and has been working as a trainer and consultant for fifteen years. She has been the director of Vendl Opleiden en Ontwikkelen for eleven years.

Since 2008, Adélka has been providing training for confidential advisers, mainly with the police. In addition, she is a member of leading complaints committees, including the VNG Complaints Committee, investigates undesirable behaviour, and is involved in the professionalisation of the National Association of Advisors through participation in working groups.

Adélka is an expert in provocative interviewing. She is therefore not the right trainer for confidants who want to just sit back and earn the annual compulsory points. But if you are looking for a balance between laughter, learning and a touch of confrontation, then you are in the right place with her.

Adélka Vendl

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