Leo ten Brink is a lawyer and legal adviser specialising in employment and civil service law.
Leo played an important role in the 1980s, with the first official dismissal, by the government, for sexual harassment in the Netherlands. He is therefore an important founder of the legal interest in our field of activity. With that, his specialisation was born, and since then Leo has led hundreds of investigations into formal complaints regarding undesirable behaviours in his role as chairman of the complaints committees.
Based on that experience, Leo can explain exactly why a formal investigation is not the most desirable solution in most cases. Leo knows the importance of informal processes, and therefore attaches great importance to the role of confidants. He has also been chairman of the LVvV, the National Association of Confidential Advisors.
Leo likes to share his vast knowledge, and does so in an inspiring and pleasant way. He is therefore associated with De Vertrouwensperson (The Confidant) as a trainer, mainly for the ‘legal aspects’ part of our basic training.